Ciné Résistance – The Palestinian Cause: «Khiam 2000-2007» by Joana Hadjithomas & Khalil Joreige
Khiam 2000-2007 by Joana Hadjthomas and Khalil Joreige, 103 Minutes
How could one survive in the detention camp of Khiam in South Lebanon ? Set up in 1985, in the security zone occupied by Israel since 1978, the detention camp of Khiam was run by Israel’s auxiliary militia, the South Lebanon Army. Sonia, Afif, Soha, Rajae, Kifah, Neeman spent more than ten years in that hell. They are witnesses of daily life in the camp : They tell us how they survived being locked up for years in solitary confinement between the four walls of a 1m 80 by 80. cell ; or sharing at six a 2.25 by 2.25 m. room. Deprived of basic necessities, the prisoners recreated them (…). (They) developped and exchanged extraordinary production techniques to be able to communicate, to create, to disobey and to preserve that very sense of humanity which such a camp tries to eradicate. This document was filmed with a sense of urgency , as intimate testimonies just before the camp was dismantled in Mai 2000. Rather than a political condemnation, it attempts a metaphysical reflection on man’s willpower and wish to live.
Talk and discussion with S., one of the prisoners interviewed in the documentary and activist until today. Film introduction and talk led by Rana Bassil.
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