Awareness (EN)
● Awareness
- We dare to be (us)!
- You are now part of the night, part of the guest collective and thus jointly responsible for the atmosphere.
- Mutual acceptance is a prerequisite for a communal party!
- Mutual respect & respecting boundaries is a prerequisite! Only YES means YES!
- We treat each other sensitively and carefully within the guest collective!
- If you are physically or psychologically (verbally) harassed or feel uncomfortable: Report to the staff (bar, entrance, cloakroom)! We will support you!
- Our team is trained in awareness, takes you seriously and helps you.
- We act according to the principle of the power of definition. Assaults of any kind will not be tolerated!
Our code of conduct is an integral part of our awareness concept. If you want to tell us something, you can do so via our anonymous reporting tool.
If you need support from a specialist department, you’ll find an overview of helpful contacts here.
As a society we face a common problem: discrimination in the form of sexism, racism, queerphobia, rejectionism (etc.) are unfortunately part of our daily interactions with people. This affects work, family life, but also leisure time. We as a club in charge, want to actively counteract and tackle this social problem. Our goal as a club is to create a safer, conscious place where people are allowed to be themselves, to be accepted and to arrive in the collective of guests. Let off steam! In the form of ecstasy and excess.
The fact that all guests can move to music in a consensual state at all times presents us with a challenge, due to which we presume to name conflict situations in which racism, queer hostility, sexualised (verbal) violence etc. occur and to act accordingly.
Respect should come first, respect for psychological and physical boundaries. If a person is asked to dance, but the person does not want to, this negation, this NO, also means NO. This can also mean that someone does not want to be invited for a drink and here too a NO is a NO. For every interaction between two people: only YES means YES! Any boundary-crossing behaviour should be pointed out to the person who is crossing boundaries. We are talking here about the party in conflict. Whether this party to the conflict shows insight or denies the accusation does not play a primary role: we are partisan with the person concerned, which means that in a conflict situation we believe the person concerned and take their side. This is the principle of the power of definition. The person concerned decides what is too far for them.
We dare to be (us)! In order to make this possible, we depend on each and every one of you. The space that one individual occupies should not encroach on the space of the next in any way. Within each guest collective, we have to be sensitive to what is appropriate for the crowd and the individual and what is boundary-crossing.
If a boundary is crossed, we act as an awareness team according to our present awareness concept: the person concerned finds safety and protection at our SaferSpace on his or her own terms and can – if desired – talk to us about the situation and how to proceed. We decide together what happens to the party in conflict, who at the same time is looked after by the host.
It is the duty of all of us as a team and as a collective of guests to ensure that we experience a sustainable, shared night that takes place between different guests, security, bar people and the host person. As a club, we set clear rules of conduct, and each person acts on them individually. This also means that the potential danger to the SaferZone (the dance floor) can never be completely excluded. Although we as the (aware) team do everything we can to ensure that our guests have an heady, safe night.
If you feel uncomfortable or need assistance, please contact our team!